DIY Striped T-Shirt

Believe it or not, my first attempt at this shirt was a miserable failure. So after crying a lot, taking a break for a few days, and a weekend in St. George, I was ready to try again. Thankfully, I had enough fabric left over to try one more time. As you can tell, the second attempt turned out much … Continue reading “DIY Striped T-Shirt”


I’m going with the better late than never excuse again… Today I am grateful for talents and ambitions. I’m also grateful for a husband who encourages and pushes me to become better at the things I want to be better at. Yesterday I was talking to my coworkers and we got on the subject of Netflix. I told them I … Continue reading “Grati-Tuesday”


Today I am grateful for the close relationships I have with my family now that I am older. In high school I wasn’t a real barrel of fun when it came to hang out with my family. For some reason, being around my family made me irritated, and I just could not stand them… Thankfully, I have grown out of … Continue reading “Grati-Tuesday”


I am a major slacker at this blog posting on time thing, but it’s Tuesday all day long, so technically I’m not late. Today I am grateful for good music. Yesterday we drove to Blanding, UT where we stayed at Dallas’ families house for the 4th. Anyone who knows me well, or has been on a road trip with me, … Continue reading “Grati-Tuesday”